Fruit Smoothies

Why are fruit smoothies so popular? Where can we buy a fruit smoothie? What is your favourite fruit to eat? In this video, we explore many varieties of fruit by introducing fruit smoothies. I also teach you about a category of important words for asking questions, called the Five Ws. Because people like to be healthy and because many of us have a sweet tooth, eating fruit and drinking smoothies give us both health and pleasure. So, I encourage you to have some fruit or a fruit smoothie and enjoy watching the video!

果昔(fruit smoothie)是非常流行的饮品,很多人用它取代了传统早餐。在加拿大的购物中心里,卖果昔的商家也是随处可见。这期视频我会通过介绍果昔来教你水果的词汇。你还将学到五个W字母开头的疑问词。



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